2017年5月16日 星期二




The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 9, Part 2, The Ch'ing Dynasty to 1800  (2016)

Introduction: The Ch'ing dynasty, the Ch'ing empire, and the Great Ch'ing integrated domain / Willard J. Peterson --
Governing Provinces / R. Kent Guy --
Taiwan prefecture in the eighteenth century / John Robert Shepherd --
The Extension of Ch'ing rule over Mongolia, Sinkiang, and Tibet, 1636-1800 / Nicola Di Cosmo --
Tributary relations between the Chosǒn and Ch'ing courts to 1800 / Lim Jongtae --
The emergence of the state of Vietnam / John K. Whitmore and Brian Zottoli --
Cultural transfers between Tokugawa Japan and Ch'ing China to 1800 / Benjamin A. Elman --
Ch'ing relations with maritime Europeans / John E. Wills and John L. Cranmer-Byng --
Catholic missionaries, 1644-1800 / John W. Witek --
Calendrical learning and medicine, 1600-1800 / Chu Pingyi --
Taoists, 1644-1850 / Vincent Goossaert --
Arguments over learning based on intuitive knowing in early Ch'ing / Willard J. Peterson --
Advancement of learning in early Ch'ing: Three cases / Willard J. Peterson --
Dominating learning from above during the K'ang-hsi period / Willard J. Peterson --
Political pressures on the cultural sphere in the Ch'ing period / Wang Fan-Sen --
Changing roles of local elites from the 1720s to the 1830s / Seunghyun Han.

